

Liuben Ivanov Cekov

Date and place of birth:


Office address:

4 "H.Dimitar" Str., Rectorate Building, lab. 3407

Higher education institution Technical University - Sofia, High frequencies - radio and television
Scientific degrees


Title: "Linearized methods for optimal computer design of electronics circuits and devices"
Date of obtaining: 1976
Scientific specialty id: 02.21.07

Academic titles

Associate Professor

Date of obtaining: 1981г.
Scientific specialty id: 02.21.06

Areas of higher education and professional fields 1. Automation of engineering activity
2. Design automation systems
Level of knowledge of foreign languages
1. English Reading skills: good
Writing skills: good
Speaking skills: good
2. Russian Reading skills: good
Writing skills: good
Speaking skills: good
3. French Reading skills: basic
Writing skills: basic
Speaking skills: basic
Work experience
1970-1975 Technical University - Gabrovo, аssistant and senior аssistant
1976-1980 Technical University - Gabrovo, chief assistant
1981 – 1984 Technical University - Gabrovo, associate professor, Manager of computer centre
1984 – 1989 Technical University - Gabrovo, associate professor, Head of AIT department, Vice Dean of EE Faculty
1990 - 1994 Technical University - Gabrovo, associate professor, Dean of EE Faculty
1995 - 2003 Technical University - Gabrovo, associate professor, Head of Computer systems and technologies department
2004 - 2010 Technical University - Gabrovo, associate professor in Computer systems and technologies department
Participation in scientific projects
1. Program TEMPUS JEP 3038, 1993–1995.
2. Program TEMPUS CME 01160, 1996.
3. Program TEMPUS SJEP 11392, 1996–1998.
4. BG/02/B/F/PP-132088, 2002-2004.
5. ERASMUS-TN, Thematic Networks CP-3-2003-1-BG 213871, 2002-2004.
6. ERASMUS-TN, Thematic Networks 114046-CP-1-2004-1-BG, 2004-2007
Scientific publications
Articles and papers Over 30 in the last 5 yers
Teaching tools Over 15 in the last 5 yers
Contact information
E-mail lcekov [at]  ]  [  academic staff  ]  [  top  ]